Shareholder FAQ2019-02-27T12:11:27-08:00
How will Racket:Next impact world racquet sport play?2022-01-22T18:24:51-08:00

Racket:Next will unlock the true global potential of racquet sports.

Think about what the coming of mobile phone technology did for world phone use.

Racket:Next will have the same impact on racquet sport play:

Will Racket:Next have a player/fan presence in the Metaverse outside of the game itself?2022-01-22T18:12:35-08:00


We are hard at work right now on Racket:Next venues in Meta’s Horizon Worlds, Horizon Venues, and Horizon Workrooms.

We will provide everything from coaching and training sessions to planning and tournament management meetings to social meeting places and lounges.

Here’s a look:

How does Racket:Next compare to conventional racquet sports?2022-01-22T18:14:59-08:00

Racket:Next provides all of the actual racquet play of conventional racquet sports, except conventional serves.

It also provides an intense lower body workout because of the relentless 360 degree movement necessary to contact the ball and to aim effectively at the constantly changing target array.

Other differences are:

1. Play is continuous, with no ball pick-ups or pauses between points.

2. There is no running or diving, for obvious reasons.

3. As referenced above, the target picture is always changing, in response to the players efficiency and accuracy.

4. Racket:Next can be played FULL OUT anywhere there is a two or three meter circle… ANYWHERE.

5. The VR headset and controllers are the ONLY equipment the player will EVER need.

6. There are no fees or access costs [commutes, etc.] whatsoever.

Why are racquet sports the most played sports in the world… even more than soccer [futbol]?2022-01-22T18:16:58-08:00

We believe that this is true because there is an almost universal human athletic instinct – even a compulsion – to HIT something AT something WITH something, which is the essence of all racquet sports and many other sports besides: baseball, cricket, hockey, and more.

We focus on racquet sports because they are undeniably similar to each other and to Racket:Next.

What does being the “Soccer” of the Metaverse mean?2022-01-23T12:03:14-08:00

It simply means being the biggest, most played. and most viewed sport in the Metaverse, just as is Soccer [football] in the conventional world.

It will be that because:

1. There are millions more racquet sports players in the world today than there are soccer players, and they will want to play in the Metaverse.

2. Soccer will never be either played at all or played by masses of people in the Metaverse. The technical problems are too great and even if they can be overcome, years from now, the costs of providing ANY athletic [not simulated] soccer VR game will place it out of reach of all but a very few people.

3. No other VR racquet sports simulations are viable because their play space is much larger than the space that most have available in their homes. This means that play motion must be simulated, which distorts play and, for many people, induces nausea.

4. Racket:Next is the Secretariat of the VR racquet sport horse race… the best by far… and getting better all the time.

Why did the IRF choose Racket: Next?2022-01-22T15:09:03-08:00

It is a beautiful game, literally and physically. It encourages vigorous athleticism and competitiveness. It supports Solo play, Co-op play [like doubles], and Multiplayer one versus one play, with opponents located anywhere in the world with wifi. And it is a proven game, on the market since 2017.

It is also on far more VR platforms than any other, including the incredibly popular and affordable Oculus Quest 2. {Other platforms include products made by HTC and Samsung, as well as others that run on PCs and in China].

Regarding other games, the Metaverse Sports Association has searched the world for other games with the characteristics described above. Racket:Next stands completely alone.

Will Racket:Next qualify for the Olympic Program?2021-10-09T13:31:05-07:00

It is too early to say that.

However, with enough players in enough places, Racket:Next would completely meet the requirements described in detail by IOC President Thomas Bach two years ago: that it be fully athletic, not only at the highest levels of competition, but throughout… that it be consistent with Olympic Values, with no violence or discrimination [by the way, it is completely Gender Neutral]… that it be offered by a fully accredited IOC-recognized sports federation like the IRF, and that it contribute meaningfully to the appreciation and broad acceptance of the Olympic Games and the Olympic Movement.

It is also highly televisable and streamable: the ball is impossible for spectators to miss, and the sights and sounds of the game are glorious.

Finally, the venue, judging, referee, and other operational requirements of Racket:Next will be dramatically less than for conventional sports.

So, Racket:Next will be an outstanding candidate for the Olympic Program.

Why did the International Racquetball Federation [IRF] endorse Racket:Next?2022-03-05T14:20:43-08:00

The IRF recognizes that this endorsement allows us to expand their visibility worldwide.

Because they believe that they have an opportunity to offer the best virtual racquet sport game in the world to the entire range of racquet sports players and fans, in a time when virtual reality is finally going mainstream, primarily because of the Oculus Quest.

After all, there are more total racquet sports players in the world than there are soccer players, and Racket: Next appeals to them all.

And the Oculus Quest – on which Racket: Next is consistently highly rated – is taking the world of consumer VR by storm, and this is in addition to all the other platforms which support Racket: Next.

So we see an opportunity to bring this amazing VR Sport to the world at just the right time, especially given the International Olympic Committee’s support of virtual sport.

By doing so, we also hope to create more interest in racquetball, which is another amazing racquet sport.

We will recognize racquetball’s version of Racket:Next as Racquetball:Next.

Will this game become “virtual racquetball?”2022-03-05T14:23:11-08:00

No, it will not be “Virtual Racquetball.” Our goal is to develop a virtual sport that can be played in a normal home, in the living room or similar room.

This is to encourage wide adoption of the sport, in line with the International Olympic Committee’s interest in expanding participation in healthy electronic sport.

Though Racket:Next allows and rewards most of the strokes of racquetball and all other racquet sports, it cannot allow players to run from side to side or front to back in a full racquetball or other racquet sport court space.

And simulated VR movement in this kind of space induces motion discomfort in too many people to be acceptable to us.

Racket:Next is its own unique take on a Universal Virtual Racquet Sport, and the International Racquetball Federation is endorsing it as such.

Further, the racquetball influenced version of Racket:Next is known as Racquetball:Next.

Can Racket:Next really become an Olympic Sport?2021-09-07T19:54:59-07:00

Yes… absolutely it can.

The International Olympic Committee [IOC] has laid out the base requirements for an electronic game to enter the Olympic Program.

IOC President Thomas Bach laid out these requirements in the Summer of 2018.

This chart describes what he said, and how virtual sport can respond:

The bottom line, we tick all the boxes, and now we have the endorsement of an IOC-recognized international sports federation: The International Racquetball Federation.

They are not in the Olympic Program yet, but this year’s Olympic Virtual Series included at least one federation – the FIA [auto racing] – that is also not in that program.

So, can we do it?


What we need is lots of people playing Racket:Next all over the world.

So, get busy… get in and get your friends in.

We can make history together!

Is Racket:Next the same as Racket: Nx?2021-11-14T11:40:59-08:00

Yes and no.

Racket:Next is the new name that we at the Virtual Sports Association use [with One Hamsa’s permission] to refer to the same great game.

What is the fastest way to learn how to seriously play?2022-01-22T18:33:48-08:00

Go straight to our PLAYING page.

Maecenas nec ante metus accumsan eleifend.2016-02-28T17:57:11-08:00

Fusce porta augue quis erat dignissim, id laoreet sapien pulvinar. Nullam blandit nisi ac nulla tempus, ultrices condimentum elit ultrices. Donec semper accumsan ligula, ut rutrum purus ultrices id. Aenean eleifend velit at nibh consectetur pretium. Vestibulum at justo quis ex venenatis aliquet. Ut porta, nunc sed venenatis maximus, lectus magna maximus dui, vel lobortis dui odio at ipsum. Curabitur nisl nisl, consequat in fermentum vitae, semper et dolor. Mauris cursus scelerisque dui et molestie. Vivamus sapien ex, aliquam sit amet libero non, auctor gravida nibh.

Fusce efficitur gravida, odois interdum arcu vulputate.2016-02-28T00:31:42-08:00

Nullam feugiat eleifend felis eu aliquam. Etiam bibendum, ante nec efficitur lacinia, lectus eros laoreet lectus, sit amet ultricies magna mi vel felis. Quisque ut varius arcu. Praesent efficitur, nisi at imperdiet luctus, tellus dui dignissim purus, et aliquam diam metus ac velit. Mauris aliquet rutrum mauris, ac tempus arcu eleifend sit amet. Integer at lacinia turpis. Morbi vehicula justo at velit facilisis, ac dictum quam sodales. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

Nunc finibus, magna sed laoreet malesuada, risus libero iaculis tellus, ac consequat enim nunc sed metus. Cras a condimentum elit, vel convallis tellus. Sed mauris mi, sollicitudin eu tellus ut, efficitur scelerisque justo. Fusce id nibh ut sapien egestas consectetur sed nec arcu. Aliquam et orci nec nulla pellentesque varius. Sed mi mauris, ultricies eu pharetra eget, tincidunt eu enim. Pellentesque convallis dolor nisl.

Pellentesque finibus viverra lectus vitae cursus.2016-02-28T00:29:55-08:00

Nunc euismod lobortis massa, id sollicitudin augue auctor vel. Integer ornare sollicitudin turpis vitae vestibulum. Curabitur faucibus ullamcorper lorem sed egestas. Pellentesque laoreet auctor eros, et consectetur eros auctor eget. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum tortor nisi, egestas eget molestie tincidunt, tempus sed justo. Vestibulum ultricies auctor varius. Fusce consequat tincidunt dui, ac adipiscing turpis adipiscing pulvinar. Aliquam erat volutpat. Vivamus eleifend rhoncus nulla in laoreet.

Vestibulum et neque interdum euismod velit commodo.2016-02-28T00:28:15-08:00

Phasellus sed rutrum est. Suspendisse at metus eget turpis dapibus accumsan. Sed pellentesque turpis ac nulla vehicula, quis commodo enim fringilla. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Mauris gravida odio turpis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Cras in auctor elit. Sed ornare laoreet libero, non viverra justo. Aenean dapibus malesuada scelerisque. Vestibulum at orci vitae nibh finibus dignissim. Aliquam pharetra nibh in mattis convallis. Duis dapibus nulla eget sapien rhoncus, eu pretium augue accumsan.

Etiam porttitor lacus eu mi rhoncu tincidunt dui.2016-02-28T00:23:02-08:00

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam sit amet pharetra magna. Fusce elementum interdum augue quis tristique. Aliquam lectus neque, ultricies rhoncus euismod eget, aliquet non libero. Aenean id mi at lectus finibus venenatis. Maecenas finibus, magna in venenatis elementum, justo ante placerat justo, a egestas lectus ipsum vitae nulla. Quisque imperdiet diam eu condimentum eleifend. Mauris ac lacinia mauris, et dictum sem.

Donec ullamcorper enim a convallis pellentesque. Suspendisse feugiat risus eu laoreet egestas. Integer ut est mi. Nam sed interdum urna, sit amet sagittis dolor. Maecenas et sem non felis luctus ultrices.

Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante in faucibus.2016-02-28T00:20:33-08:00

Quisque non risus in orci consectetur varius. Sed pulvinar elit non tempus finibus. Suspendisse volutpat nulla non ligula convallis, in volutpat neque lacinia. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Fusce quis purus a mi cursus commodo. Pellentesque viverra nibh in urna tempus cursus. Cras fringilla pulvinar felis. Ut elit orci, vulputate nec congue eget, bibendum eget urna. Vivamus a odio et nisl vestibulum ultrices.

Fusce nec vestibulum lorem. Nulla facilisi. Aenean suscipit erat odio, at scelerisque sem facilisis non. Curabitur ac ex sollicitudin, lacinia nunc sit amet, imperdiet leo. Sed at varius sem. Sed suscipit id diam ac consequat. Morbi porta viverra magna suscipit vestibulum. Praesent pretium porta velit.

Sed eu erat ac ligula tristique ullamcorper quam.2016-02-28T00:17:42-08:00

Nullam aliquet porttitor felis in efficitur. Aliquam sed pharetra orci. Vestibulum porta maximus sem porta tincidunt. Aliquam tincidunt risus at sapien vulputate ornare. Praesent in sem sit amet leo bibendum semper in ut lectus. Mauris sit amet egestas odio. Etiam vulputate, sem et ullamcorper fermentum, nisl felis pellentesque elit, ut pretium lacus ante quis libero. Maecenas ut urna malesuada, sagittis lorem nec, sagittis lacus. Nullam sit amet dui elit. Nullam et massa tincidunt, semper magna vitae, commodo purus.

Morbi in congue felis, a vulputate magna.2016-02-28T00:16:12-08:00

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Mauris et erat tortor. Nam pharetra vehicula orci, sed ullamcorper sem viverra vehicula. Ut fringilla a odio a posuere. Phasellus interdum ipsum et mi rutrum fringilla. Donec pretium dui vitae mattis cursus. Curabitur vestibulum malesuada lectus, sed tincidunt massa sagittis tempus. Ut nisl purus, interdum vel lacus mattis, gravida tincidunt ante. Pellentesque lacinia ut eros id sollicitudin. Nulla fermentum molestie velit, a lobortis ex aliquet vestibulum. Vestibulum et blandit felis, at tincidunt felis. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Quisque in leo eu ex hendrerit tincidunt ac at purus. Nunc scelerisque venenatis facilisis. Sed pharetra rutrum neque, pellentesque accumsan lectus aliquet sed. Curabitur porta lectus eu consectetur tristique.

Sed a felis non erat luctus finibus non fringilla nibh. Donec condimentum bibendum ex ac rhoncus. Sed viverra elit a tellus pellentesque, at vestibulum sapien congue. Etiam nec mollis tortor, at molestie metus. Nulla nec nunc varius, feugiat dui quis, finibus turpis. Suspendisse facilisis, erat at dignissim dignissim, diam elit auctor nibh, at molestie eros purus sed massa.

Duis non dui vitae risus consequat vestibulum.2016-02-28T00:13:36-08:00

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis non dui vitae risus consequat vestibulum. Vivamus ut ultricies mi. Proin lobortis, lacus ac ultrices dignissim, orci erat tincidunt nulla, id tristique nulla magna et erat. Fusce in gravida velit. Morbi mauris risus, maximus nec mollis et, pulvinar sed leo. Fusce a velit erat. Curabitur nisi mauris, pharetra sit amet bibendum et, aliquet ac eros. Nunc pellentesque augue sapien, ut lacinia eros dignissim pharetra. Morbi at enim vitae velit dictum tincidunt vitae eleifend mauris. Praesent pellentesque aliquam condimentum. Maecenas nisl dolor, maximus a lorem id, efficitur ornare est. Nam a velit mauris. Suspendisse eleifend nisl sed leo maximus, ac malesuada sem auctor.

In suscipit lacus quis ante consectetur molestie. Nam quis auctor dolor. Donec non dictum tortor. Ut a risus sodales, vulputate dui id, elementum justo. Quisque condimentum interdum purus, eget tempus justo rutrum vel.

Quisque condimentum interdum purus tempus.2016-02-28T00:07:34-08:00

Aenean pretium felis vel purus bibendum luctus. In gravida ex a ex sollicitudin feugiat. Praesent ac pulvinar nisi, ut sodales massa. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nullam eu mi vel arcu iaculis hendrerit vel ac risus. Sed accumsan hendrerit neque, at scelerisque sem posuere et. Donec sem elit, tincidunt eget nisl vehicula, mattis convallis elit. Quisque lobortis ex ac turpis convallis, ut faucibus ligula posuere. Vestibulum non turpis id est ullamcorper condimentum.

Sed rhoncus viverra gravida. Aliquam lobortis nulla sit amet tincidunt tincidunt. Maecenas pulvinar maximus massa, nec eleifend turpis ornare sit amet. Nullam eget malesuada erat. Morbi volutpat, ante nec pharetra suscipit, augue nulla porttitor dolor, nec lacinia eros elit id arcu. Vivamus ultricies est eget sapien congue volutpat.

Morbi at enim vitae velit dictum tincidunt vitae.2016-02-28T00:01:49-08:00

Morbi volutpat, ante nec pharetra suscipit, augue nulla porttitor dolor, nec lacinia eros elit id arcu. Vivamus ultricies est eget sapien congue volutpat. Curabitur ac ipsum et orci accumsan scelerisque. Quisque porttitor a massa ac porttitor. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Curabitur vitae nibh vitae justo sagittis lacinia. Donec nec suscipit dolor. Aliquam ullamcorper nulla nec massa vestibulum mattis. Maecenas ullamcorper lacus in augue rhoncus consectetur et eu felis.

Aenean orci dolor, porta eget pharetra quis, blandit id eros. Integer molestie lorem at risus posuere, et aliquet tellus feugiat. Nunc finibus condimentum enim maximus sodales. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Nunc pellentesque augue sapien dignissim.2016-02-27T23:56:02-08:00

Aenean consequat lorem ut felis ullamcorper posuere gravida tellus faucibus. Maecenas dolor elit, pulvinar eu vehicula eu, consequat et lacus. Duis et purus ipsum. In auctor mattis ipsum id molestie. Donec risus nulla, fringilla a rhoncus vitae, semper a massa. Vivamus ullamcorper, enim sit amet consequat laoreet, tortor tortor dictum urna, ut egestas urna ipsum nec libero. Nulla justo leo, molestie vel tempor nec, egestas at massa. Aenean pulvinar, felis porttitor iaculis pulvinar, odio orci sodales odio, ac pulvinar felis quam sit.

Aenean pretium felis vel purus bibendum luctus.2016-02-27T23:49:54-08:00

Sed rhoncus viverra gravida. Aliquam lobortis nulla sit amet tincidunt tincidunt. Maecenas pulvinar maximus massa, nec eleifend turpis ornare sit amet. Nullam eget malesuada erat. Morbi volutpat, ante nec pharetra suscipit, augue nulla porttitor dolor, nec lacinia eros elit id arcu. Vivamus ultricies est eget sapien congue volutpat. Curabitur ac ipsum et orci accumsan scelerisque. Quisque porttitor a massa ac porttitor. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Curabitur vitae nibh vitae justo sagittis lacinia. Donec nec suscipit dolor. Aliquam ullamcorper nulla nec massa vestibulum mattis. Maecenas ullamcorper lacus in augue rhoncus consectetur et eu felis.

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